Kindness begets kindness!
Raising children with good attitudes is not just important for their well-being but also for the upliftment of the community as a whole. It is in the hands of the parents, educators, and other caretakers to ensure the development of these good attitudes. While parents can keep track of this at home, it also becomes the responsibility of the preschool they go to, to ensure children are given the opportunity to bloom. This can be better supervised and ensured in prenursery classes that support small group learning.
Six ways to raise caring and confident children:
Activities that encourage children to critically think, analyze and make decisions help children develop cognitive skills. Toys and open-ended play also help children channel their creative side while giving them the opportunity to develop essential life skills. Below are10 cognitive skills that are considered core in the optimum development of a child. These are:
Modeling the right behavior – children tend to copy what they see. They may not understand all words communicated to the but would certainly relate to the attitudes they see around them. Hence, the best way to inculcate any attitudes is to model the same at home.
Allowing room for failure – one of the biggest drawbacks of the current competitive world is its obsession with success. We need to normalize failure and let our children know that failure is a normal part of our growth as success. There should be no associated with not succeeding or giving up when that is the right thing to do.
Encouraging trying new things – at times, children can get into a comfort zone and be hesitant to try out new things. However, exposure is what gets them access to a wide world of opportunities. The more our children get out of their comfort zone, the more confident they become.
Celebrating efforts – It is important for every child to know that their efforts are seen and valued. That their parents and caretakers are not just looking at their successes, but also appreciate the learning they gain in the process.
Embrace diversity – it is very important for our children to accept and appreciate the diversity they see in everyday life. This not only makes them caring towards others but also gives them the self-confidence to appreciate their own uniqueness.
Treating them with respect – It is important for children to feel respected and valued as individuals. If children feel they aren’t seen or hears, this affects their self-esteem. This also affects their outlook on life. If we respect our young, they will also respect those around them.
At home, a play-based learning approach can be adopted to ensure children find joy while learning important life lessons. These practices should be an integral part of their daily lives and not feel like a special chore.